
North Dakota Superfund (NPL) Sites

About Superfund

Clicking on the site name should take you directly to a U.S. EPA summary page for that site. If not, please let me know.

Deleted Sites

Arsenic Trioxide

Location: Richland, Ransom, and Sargent Counties

Narrative: Both naturally occurring arsenic and arsenic in grasshopper poison contaminated local groundwater supplies. Following construction of new water treatment and distribution systems, U.S. EPA deleted the site from the NPL.

Contaminants: Arsenic

Deleted: 1996

Minot Landfill

Location: Minot, Ward County

Narrative: A 26 acre landfill that received both municipal and industrial wastes. The remedy included consolidating contaminated material under an improved cap and installation of a leachate control system, among other measures.

Contaminants: Arsenic · Benzene · Copper · Phenol · VOCs · Zinc

Deleted: 1997

Thank you for visiting I hope you find it useful. - Mike Habeck